Art - thank you for sharing your story. I am so glad you've found ways to truly heal and accept yourself. Your story resonated on a few levels. I also had a speech impediment as a small child. When others made fun, I chased them and bit them - which led to being nicknamed Tiger for a few years. And as for emotionally unavailable parents - my dad physically abandoned us when I was 7, leaving my mom to raise 8 children alone. She did her best. But as children we don't understand. I spent many years in young adulthood working on healing my inner child - mostly focused on my dad. But when I took time to put myself in my mother's shoes - I could heal. My mother and I were never close - but I loved and respected her and forgave her her faults -- as I hope my children will do for me. We are all trying to get and keep our shit together. I'm glad I met you - through your writing - on this journey.