Member-only story
Life Lessons and Skills
When our children were younger, because they did very well in school, many people assumed we limited their screen time or what they could watch on television. While we rejected a few shows because they were obnoxious (think Sponge Bob and Caillou), no topic or subject was off limits. We encouraged reading and playing games but set no minimums on reading or maximums on screens. Occasionally, I tried to ‘be a better parent’ by imposing restrictions, but it is not really in my nature to enforce or follow too many rules. [Perhaps this was the fundamental issue of my years in the convent. 😊]
The fact is, television is a constant in our home — to entertain and escape, to inform, to inspire, or as background noise. (Perhaps the “why” is a topic for another blog.)
One weekly show we enjoyed for a few years is “God Friended Me.” Think: “Highway to Heaven” with Michael Landon (1980s) and “Touched by An Angel” with Della Reese (1990s) and “Joan of Arcadia” with Amber Tamblyn (2000s)- but with a modern twist. A young atheist, son of a Christian pastor, is sent friend requests from a social media account called, God. Each episode involves he and his friends helping these strangers who are usually in need of reconciliation and healing.
The ending monologue of one episode had a line: And, if we’re lucky enough we get to see the lessons of our life passed down to…